Compliance Corner

Our Compliance Program

Search for Change is committed to providing high quality services that comply with the federal and state regulations and laws that are applicable to our agency and work. Our Compliance Program is designed to encourage a culture of honest, ethical, and legal behavior from all members of the Search for Change community. The detection and prevention of Medicaid fraud, waste, and abuse are goals of Search for Change’s Compliance Program. All Search for Change employees, administrators, board members, contractors, and vendors have an obligated duty to report any suspected compliance violations in good faith. Agency employees are protected by the Whistleblower Protection Policy and reports can be made anonymously via our Compliance Hotline.

Compliance Plan Documents

What is Medicaid Fraud, Waste, and Abuse?

Fraud: Intentionally acting to deceive or falsify information in order to gain something of value. Illegal act and involves willful misrepresentation for Medicaid payments.

Waste: Inappropriate or overutilization of services that results in unnecessary costs to Medicaid. Generally, not a criminal act or illegal behavior but due to mistakes caused by lack of oversight.

Abuse: Improper behaviors or misuse that result in obtaining Medicaid payment the agency is not entitled to.

View/Download Compliance Flier

How to Report You can make a Compliance report directly to the Compliance Officer, Crystal Meyer, by phone, email, or written letter:

Crystal Meyer, MA, CHC
Compliance Officer
400 Columbus Avenue, Suite 201E
Valhalla, NY 10595
914.428.5600 ext. 4857

Anonymous reports can be made to the Compliance Hotline: Hotline Number: 914.428.5600 ext. 9239

“Compliance is Everyone’s Business. If you see something, say something.”