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Bring It Home

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Better Funding For Better Care!

Ashley Brody, CEO of Search for Change, joined fellow ACL members in urging our Legislators’ support for the “Bring It Home” Campaign.  Supportive housing is a lifeline for our most vulnerable citizens, and yet it remains grossly underfunded.  We need your support!

A Word About the Words We Use

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The behavioral health field has become more sensitive to the impact our language has on vulnerable persons.  This promising, but still relatively recent, development reveals our emerging awareness certain words, phrases and labels betray pejorative beliefs and perpetuate stigma.  They also shape and reinforce the identities of those to whom they are applied.  How many of us have referred to individuals entrusted to our care as “schizophrenic,” “bipolar” or “borderline?”

Thankfully, we have dispensed with such appellations in favor of

By Ashley Brody, MPA, CPRP -Article on Page 10 of the Behavioral Health News -Winter 2019 Issue


Our very own Susan Salomone has been recognized as a “Healthcare Hero” by Westchester Magazine!

I cannot think of a more deserving candidate.  For the past several years, Susan and her husband Steve have been the driving force behind Drug Crisis In Our Backyard.  Their organization has played a pivotal role in combatting the opiate abuse epidemic and

I was fully in favor of the legalization of marijuana for recreational use…until recently. 

This might come as a surprise to some. 

For the past 25 years, I’ve worked in the behavioral healthcare field and witnessed the adverse effects of various substances (both legal and illicit) on vulnerable individuals.  Why would I support any policy shift that would make marijuana (or any other harmful substance) more readily available?

I suppose the libertarian in me always drew a